4 Nov
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Stephan and Bo Krook - A Tough Challenge for a cause

12 Mar

Ouddorp - Stephan Krook and Bo Krook, father and son, a tough challenge to cross the channel between France and England France on a Flyboard to raise money for Petra. Petra, the mother and wife of Bo and Stephan has a very aggressive brain tumor and unfortunately without further waiting in the Netherlands, Germany offers alternative therapy.


However, because it is still an appropriate therapy it is not reimbursed by the Dutch insurance. Hence this crossing is for charity, because this is what these two men can do. They are also known from the annual Canal Parade in Amsterdam. With the crossing they will try to raise money to Petra and other fellow sufferers to undergo a therapy in Germany. Saturday afternoon 12 March 2017, the men practiced for the first time.

The aim is for newspapers, television and an entry in the "Guinness Book of Records". Bo and Stephan: "Saturday afternoon we have a first training under the watchful eye of the KNRM. After this training there will be multiple follow ups to get some small modifications to the material, for a smooth and safe crossing, which is expected to take approximately 6 to 8 hours to complete."

Whilst wishing Petra a full recovery we will be following this great family.

